Yes, there was a bridge. When I was three Dad too me there for beginning swimming lessons, but I was too scared to do it. Maybe that was where I first met you. It kind of rings a very distant bell in my memory bank. The first class we had together was Mrs.Kidwell's 2nd grade class. We sat next to each other.
Cedar: Boy, am I ever glad that you confirmed there was a bridge across the deep ravine and creek. I still have memories about crossing that bridge. Heck, after getting across the bridge the learning to swim part was easy! Seems that I also recall that the pool's water was COLD. When we were swimming in the pool it was probably before someone came up with the novel idea of heating the water.
Yes, the water was freezing cold. As far as being the biggest two in the class, well, maybe that cold swimming pool water made us grow faster. or, maybe it made part of us shrivel. Hmm. Anyway, good memories. I am also in the deep memory bank of my mind picturing Sandy being up there in the Burke pool. Am I remembering correctly? I think that was the first time that I saw him.
Where was the pool located? Can you still see the foundation on a map?,+id&hl=en&ll=47.520769,-115.816938&spn=0.00338,0.005981&sll=47.680377,-122.192285&sspn=0.21566,0.382805&t=h&hnear=Burke&z=18
Thomas, I don't see the exact spot on the map. The foundation was covered over years ago. If I were up there, I could go to it, but just to sit here and describe it is a bit hard. I was only 4 years old when we moved from Burke to Wallace, I can tell you that it sat over by the hill on the right side of the creek just about the time that you entered Burke. It was before the Star Mine, and roughly about where the Burke Historical sign is. I am gong over there next month, so I will try to get a pic for you, and post here. Thanks for reading my blog.
Cedar: I learned to swim there. I vaguely recall having to walk across a 'bridge' to get to the pool. Do you recall a 'bridge'?
Yes, there was a bridge. When I was three Dad too me there for beginning swimming lessons, but I was too scared to do it. Maybe that was where I first met you. It kind of rings a very distant bell in my memory bank. The first class we had together was Mrs.Kidwell's 2nd grade class. We sat next to each other.
Cedar-Mrs. Kidwell obviously had the brightest students sit in the same area. I just can't remember if we were in that group or the 'other' group. Ha.
We were the two biggest kids in the class. That had to count for something. Right?
Cedar: Boy, am I ever glad that you confirmed there was a bridge across the deep ravine and creek. I still have memories about crossing that bridge. Heck, after getting across the bridge the learning to swim part was easy! Seems that I also recall that the pool's water was COLD. When we were swimming in the pool it was probably before someone came up with the novel idea of heating the water.
Cedar: Hmm? Two biggest in the class. It must have been the result of good genes or plenty of good food. Ha! One or ta-other.
Yes, the water was freezing cold.
As far as being the biggest two in the class, well, maybe that cold swimming pool water made us grow faster. or, maybe it made part of us shrivel. Hmm.
Anyway, good memories. I am also in the deep memory bank of my mind picturing Sandy being up there in the Burke pool. Am I remembering correctly? I think that was the first time that I saw him.
Where was the pool located? Can you still see the foundation on a map?,+id&hl=en&ll=47.520769,-115.816938&spn=0.00338,0.005981&sll=47.680377,-122.192285&sspn=0.21566,0.382805&t=h&hnear=Burke&z=18
Thomas, I don't see the exact spot on the map. The foundation was covered over years ago. If I were up there, I could go to it, but just to sit here and describe it is a bit hard. I was only 4 years old when we moved from Burke to Wallace, I can tell you that it sat over by the hill on the right side of the creek just about the time that you entered Burke. It was before the Star Mine, and roughly about where the Burke Historical sign is. I am gong over there next month, so I will try to get a pic for you, and post here. Thanks for reading my blog.
I swam in that pool. I remember it was really cold.
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