The morning would be ripe with the air of youthful joy as the clock would finally sing the tune of revelry, and the sun would be coming over the top of the fields to the east. Christmas? No, it was early in the morning of July 4th, In those days, the 4Th of July was almost as bigger than Christmas in the house that my dad grew up in. .
I imagine that the 4th of July was a big deal because my dad's family had celebrated that day more than Christmas. My dad would tell how my grandfather would make home made ice cream one day a year, and that was of course, the 4th of July. He would have saved all year, and he would then give each of his eight kids fifty cents. Now days most kids probably don't even know what such a small amount looks like, but when my dad was growing up in the depressed economy of SW Missouri, .50 was a lot of money. My dad would sometimes then go into town, go to the "picture show" as he called it, and then buy bananas. Yes, bananas, for my dad loved bananas, and the only time that he go them was when he bought them for the 4th What a day for him! Ice cream and bananas. His face would still glow when he would tell me about that special day many. many years later.
Now, here is it on the verge of another 4th of July, and I am remembering my own 4th of July treasured times.
Cedar: A different time when so little meant so very much. Nowadays even very much often means so little. Great post!
Cedar: A different time when so little meant so very much. Nowadays even very much often means so little
GF, you sure got that right. We are never satisfied anymore, but we want more and more and more.
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