Friday, January 24, 2014

10 Things That I Don't Care About

1. Justin Bierber, whoever the heck he is. Exactly what does he do to promote a better world? And he gets a DUI, and I care why? I don't

2. Honey Boo Boo-You have got to be kidding. People are actually entertained by that? The dumbing down of America marches on. 

3. What any member of Duck Dynasty has to say about gays. That is their business and they have a right to have their beliefs. PS, I don't watch it, just not my kind of show.

4. A-Rods pitiful attempts to become a real man

5. Any more stories about Sherman's post game interview

6. What a sentence, or lack of sentence, that Lindsay Lohan is getting this week. 

7. The so called "art" work in downtown Coeur D' Alene-sorry, it is not art

8. Republicans and Democrats

9. The San Francisco Forty Whiners football team and their fans

10. What anyone has to say about the things that I don't care about. I don't care that you care or don't care about the things that I don't care about. 

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Big Name Sport's Stars-Boring

Is anyone else sick and tired of prima donna athletes? KD,this is boring. You signed the contract, now, do the job and win a championship fo...