I was invited to a pot-luck dinner the other day, and when I was asked what I was going to bring to it I said "a bong I guess". They withdrew the invitation. Did I say something wrong?
Several days ago I was eating in a restaurant ad the waitress asked if I wanted my order a la carte,and I told her, "no thank you, just put it on the table."She thought I was being a smart aleck.Did I say someting wrong?
I have some food allergies, and one thing will send me to the hospital is to eat sesame seeds. So many hamburger buns have seeds on them, that I must always be careful t check it out before I order a hamburger in a restaurant, So, the other day, I asked the server if she had sesame seeds on her buns. She slapped me . Did I say something wrong?
Wow, people are just too sensitive.
Cedar: I agree...way to sensitive. Everyone lacks a sense of humor now days. Political correctness, tut tut, and what all.
Seriously, I had an employee in Seattle threaten to sue me because she heard me say how much I detested rap "music".
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