Monday, December 12, 2011

Deer Oh Deer

I never get tired of seeing them no irregardless of how many that I have seen over the years. Growing up in Wallace we were certainly not strangers to deer. However, it is different now,and I have never been more in awe.

This morning at 6:20 as I was taking my wife to work, we rounded the corner from our apartment, and standing right in the middle of the street was a beautiful, fully grown doe. I stopped the car as the doe did the deer thing of freezing in the head lights. After giving us the once over, she gracefully moved over to the side of  the street , and we proceeded on our way.This is the third such incident this Fall.

One of our favorite thing to so is to drive over to Fernan Village in middle of the afternoon and drive around the circle of houses, and most of the time, we will see four to five deer in the yards. Last weekend we drove over there to see the Christmas lights, and even at a much later hour, we passed a house that had two deer sleeping in the yard. 

We do, though, miss seeing elk here. Since we moved to CDA, we have not seen even one elk, At my parents home in Osburn, we saw elk all of the time. However, we are content to see the deer for now, and we still marvel about how blessed we are to live where animals roam so freely.

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