When I was in the the fifth grade, we visited Dodge City Kansas, and while there,I got to see one of the original "Boot Hills" cemeteries.One of the most memorable graves was very unique in that it was an out open grave, and you could actually see the remains in the ground. That sight kind of sticks with one. However, this is not about being morbid, but rather about some of the very humorous epitaphs on tomb stones from around the world.
Here is one of my favorites.
Here lie the bones of Sophie Jones
For her death held no terrors
She was born a maid and died a maid
No hits, and no runs, and no heirs.
The next couple take a minute to digest, and then you go HM--
Here lies the body of Thomas Vermon
The only surviving son of Admiral Vermon
Got to think about that one for a minute.
Here is another one.
Here lies the body of John Round
Lost at sea and never found
That one makes you go Hm, too.
How about this one
Tears cannot restore her
Therefore, I weep
And with this one, I close for now.I love this one.
Harry Edsel Smith
Born 1903-Died 1942
Looked up the elevator shaft
To see if the car was on the way down.
It was.
Cedar: I missed that field trip!!!
You did? Wow, you must have been ill that day.
I remember that when they saw Mrs. Brislane, that they kept tying to put her in a grave because they thought she had escaped from one.
Hey, GF, nice to see you. I was about to email you and see if you wee still alive.
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