Friday, September 29, 2017

Return To Sender

I guess I was naive, I guess most of us were, those of us who were growing up Wallace in the 1950's 1960's and the early 1970's. OK, I guess I am still naive because, after a total swing from my early beliefs, I have returned home, not only physically, which I indeed have, but I have also returned spiritually, philosophically, and politically.

The fall of 1969 was a very tumultuous time in our nation. There were prophecies of gloom and doom, riots in the streets, cities were literally burning, and I seriously wondered if the world would be here long enough for me to graduate from good old WHS in the coming spring. The thing that I was really worried about was the world going to be around long enough for me to get married, have a career, and have children? Well, the answer seems obvious. I not only graduated that spring, I went to college, got married, had 2 kids, got divorced, waited 23 more years, and got married again.oh yes, by the way, those 2 children from my first marriage delighted me with 5 beautiful grandchildren, and joining with my wonderful 2nd wife, we have 9 grandchildren between us. so yes there was time, and the world is still here.

So, hat happened to me spiritually, emotionally, and politically in the years between 1969 and 2017?  have been all over the map. My life has been like a kaleidoscope of images, colors, patterns, rinse, repeat, try again. and then, the journey home.

Image result for kelodiscopeSo, what does all of this mean? It means that I have returned. to the land of my father, and I have returned to the values of my youth. I love my country, I worship God Almighty, I stand and get misty-eyed when the National Anthem is played, and I pledge allegiance to the most wonderful country ever, the United States of America.

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