Friday, February 10, 2017

I'm All A Twitter

OK, I confess. I, Cedar Street Kid, have not posted as much the last few months because, swallow pride, I have become a Tweeter. I know, I know, I use to make fun of Twitter, and I still do to my wife and family, but, I secretly tweet everyday. There, I am out of the Twitter closet. I hope you al still respect me in the morning.

So, why do I tweet now? I like to keep my FaceBook clear of politics and debate and use it to enjoy the friendship of family and school chums from years gone by. I don't like to clog up my blog with politics and smears either. I want this blog to be mostly about growing up Wallace, and my experiences in NYC, and the hotel field.

So, I tweet, and there I don't hold back. I tweet my mind on politics and the state of our nation. It is a great outlet for my boiling political rage.

Finally, and most importantly, I tweet because it is so much easier to tweet one thought than to write and entire blog, and I am lazy. :)

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