Thursday, May 22, 2014

The new national pastitme, and it is not baseball or football

No sir, the new national pastime is "National Witch Hunt". So, you thought that all ended in Salem, Mass, years ago, well think again, only now we are not chasing witches, no sir we bob, we are chasing, branding, and economically hanging anyone that dares to say something that is not PC. Now, I have always wondered how this so called PC thing came about. Was there a convention that I missed out on, or was there a national election where the ballot decided what we can and cannot say or do?

It is become apparent that anyone who dares to speak up and say anything that even suggests a different opinion must be brought to the public square, flogged, stripped of their possessions, and banished from the public view. 

Well, as the man who ran for governor of Idaho said in the debate, I am as about politically correct as a turd in a punch bowl.

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