Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Little People, Big Votes

You have simply got to love small town  local politics. It seems like every smaller city or town is actually run by a select few, and it goes without saying that those who run things are the ones with bank accounts significantly larger than mine.

The revolting of the "little people" is nothing new in American politics. Even our "sacred" forefathers in this nation did not realty believe in liberty and justice for all. Nope, sorry to bust the bubble, but the rich early leaders of the nation wanted it so that only wealthy land owners could vote.

I laugh and laugh when  read the local newspaper and watch with growing mirth as the rich and powerful of Coeur D Alene are starting to panic that the voice of those who reside in CDA, but who are not blessed with million dollar bank accounts, want  a say in how our city is run and how their vision of the future is different than the vision of the royal queen, whoops, I mean the lady mayor of our fair little city. There is nothing more frightening to folks with power and money than the thought of the average working poor having a say in how things are run.

Sorry, your Excellency, the vote belongs to the poor as well as the rich, the renters as well as the landlords, the uneducated as well as the intellectuals. The vote belongs to every American citizen , and that's the way it is.

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