Friday, September 25, 2015

Enough Of" Reality"

I am sickened over how everything that we were taught as children has to be debunked by someone who has nothing better to do than destroy our childhood. When is it going to end? What is wrong with a little bit of fantasy, anyway? If it weren't for fantasy, there would be no Mickey Mouse, and then tell me, where would we be? Why must destroy everything under the guise of reality? In my opinions, there is just a little bit too much reality today.

Really! First we were taught that Columbus discovered America, and then we were told that he never even came close to the shores of America. Come on, would we have a day named after him if the story was not true? Then, we were told that the story of Washington and the cherry tree was a myth. That one really hurt. Washington was the only one of our presidents who never told a lie. Now, that story is gone. When I was little, the Indians were the bad guys, and we were the good guys. Now, we are told that we were the bad guys. Next thing you know, they will tell us that Alexander Graham Bell did not invent the bathtub and that Al Gore did not invent the Internet. Is nothing sacred?

Well, I can live with some of these things, I suppose, but I read something  that I just cannot accept. It seems like they have discovered some writings that indicate that Robin Hood was just a common thief, and was not, indeed, a hero who robbed from the rich and gave to the poor. It is time to draw the line somewhere, and I think this is that line.
Here is the real story of Robin Hood and the three bears. Whoops, I got my stories crossed up a bit. Here is the story of Robin Hood and his married men.

The times were really depressed, and the economy was on the tilt side of the slot machines. The stock market was at an all-time low, and Mr. Dow Jones was losing his shirt.The banks who had robbed from the poor and given to the rich were in decline, and the government was shoveling money into them faster than the bullet of the Lone Ranger. It was against this background that in the Sure Wood Forrest there rose a man who said enough was enough. He would redistribute the wealth, and make the poor and working class rise to power again. His name? Robin Hood. The man whose name was feared more than any other by the banks and Mr. Dow Jones.

Robin had a band of friends, all married men who met once a week for at the breakfast club at the elite Heaven Acres Golf Course. One morning over espresso and pastry, the talk turned to the plight of the poor and working class. Different ideas were thrown out on how to save these wretched souls. After all, who would wait on the rich folks if the poor were to vanish from the face of the earth? So it was there that Robin came up with an idea that would save the poor and working class so that the rich could continue to live their lives in comfort. They would just have a little bit less money than before, but would still have most of the comforts that they were so used to having.

The plan was a masterpiece. Robin would rob from some of the rich, and give it to the poor. And so, the plan was born that would change the economic landscape for years to come. One bank at a time was robbed in broad daylight, and only the accounts of the very rich were robbed. Accompanying Robin was his band of friends, and the media soon dubbed the gang as Robin Hood and his band of Married Men.

Bank after bank, portfolio after portfolio, mansion after mansion were robbed, and the goods were distributed to the poor and working class folks. Robin's legend grew, and the rich became more and more afraid. I mean, if the poor had all of the money, they would soon have the power, too. Robin Hood must be stopped at all costs.

Now, there was a very rich city in the country, and in that city lived the wealthiest of the capitalist pigs. That city was the famous city of Naughty Ham, and that city had a sheriff who feared no man. He was known throughout the world as the Sheriff of Naughty Ham. It was to this feared man of the law that that rich citizens of Naught Ham turned to stop this mad man, Robin Hood, and his band of Married Men.

The chase was long and brutal, the things that legends are made of, and indeed the stories were popping up all over MySpace and the Facebook. The chase finally ended when according to the Sheriff, he caught Robin, and hanged him and is Married Men right in the forest. The bodies were destroyed right then and there, and nobody ever saw then except for the Sheriff and his posse. So, nobody knows for sure what really happened. The poor went back to being poor, and the economy grew strong again, The rich became more rich and powerful than ever before, and life went on.

Years later, in order to debunk the legend of hero worship of Robin Hood, rich historians decided to fabricate stories about the "real Robin Hood" They say now that he never gave the money to the poor, but that he kept it, and he and his band of Married Men grew rich.

Well, all of these centuries later, we still don't know what really happened. Some choose to believe that he gave the money to the poor and that their lived were improved by the redistribution of the wealth. Others might choose to believe that the so-called modern scholars were right and that Robin was no more than a common thief who grew rich from robbing the rich who had worked so hard for their wealth.

I guess that someday history will reveal the truth. In the meantime, you are free to make up your own minds.


MarmiteToasty said...

Seeing as how my maiden name is Sherwood, I need to believe in Robin Hood lol


Cedar Street Kid said...

I believe in him, too. MT. I hope that you realize that I took a little liberty with the spelling of Sherwood. LOL-don't want you to think that I am totally ignorant.

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