Saturday, July 2, 2016

On this day-July 2nd-1952, and a little plug for an exercise program.

Here are some news headings from this day in July1952 from the Spokesman-Review archives.

Peanuts Premiers-

Starting Monday you will start every day with a smile from the happy humor in the new, daily comic strip-PEANUTS
Heavyweight champion, Rocky Marciano opened up his training camp for his upcoming fight with Seattle's Harry Mathews. The real life Rocky said that he had kept in shape by doing 10 miles of roadwrk a day as well as throwing heavy stones and rocks to build his arm muscles.

Hmm,sounds like he didn't need to join a high end 24 hour a day super gym to get in fabulous shape. I remember that my brother told me that J Bardelli told him that sawing logs on a two-man saw would build powerful arm muscles

 If you really want to get in shape, do it the natural way. You don't even need weights, trust me. It is called the Animal Workout. I gave up the weights and switched out several months ago. Even on oxygen, I can do parts of this workout. Here is the link.By the way, the results are fabulous. I have lost body fat and gained  lean muscle.

Anway, I guess I am all over the place today with this blog, but -oh well. Have a great day.

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