Friday, May 20, 2016

Here Comes the Judge-The Strange Saga of Sage-

Yes, the Sages had the world at their fingertips and their futures together as husband and wife, attorneys at law, was the thing Hallmark is made for. They settled in Detroit, and somewhere between Robert's 25th birthday and his 41st birthday, he became a Common Pleas Judge.But, also in that same time frame, something was happening inside the good judge's mind. Maybe it was because of the blows that he had endured in the ring. Maybe it was the pressure of years of study and the practice of law. Maybe it was the pressure of the duties of being a judge, or maybe, maybe there was something else at work here.Let's see what the Lewiston Evening Journal had to say.

A state wide police search for Common Pleas Judge Robert E Sage was underway today as a result of a shooting which left one man dead and two others wounded in the judge's office in the county buiding.
Inspector Paul O, Whitman of the homicide squad quoted the two wounded men as saying that the 41- year od judge " seemed to go suddenly haywire" during an argument last night with three business partners in a business enterprise,drew a pistol from his desk and began firing.
Ralph Nadell,48, of suburban Birmingham, fell with a bullet through his head. Al Nadell,39, his brother and Maurice D Smilay, a 56 year old Detroit attorney, suffred shouder wounds,
By the time poice arrived Judge Sage, a veteran politician, a former lumberjack, and professioanll prize fighter had fled hatless and coatless from the building
Smilay said the four men had  gathered in the judge's office to duscuss a court decision which threatened the existence of Sports Park here. All were directors of the Park, hee said, and Judge Sage had invested heavily in it.
During the argument which deveoped, Whitman quoted Smilay as sayig the judge suddenly produced the pistol and cried "this will pacify everybody" and opened fire.,119573&hl=en

There was no fairytale ending the saga of Robert E Sage. The strange saga of Sage ended when the former boxer, lawyer, judge, and Burke product, shot himself. He was dead at the ripe old age of 41

Yes, Wallace and Burke produced some very colorful characters, and all of us Wallace and Burke natives are their lineage.

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