Thursday, February 25, 2016

Name That Wallace Business Person

Today we will play name a Wallace person from the world of commerce. These should be a piece of cake for those of you who grew up Wallace.

1. In business for many years, this Wallace business man not only was the owner of a fine automobile dealership, but he was also a politician of sorts, holding down the position of mayor of Wallace during many of my growing up years.

2. He was the ultimate Idaho Vandal booster, and the stores that the family had were the finest in the canyon. Covering everything from men's suits to women's elegant heels, the three stores endeavored to make us look our best.

3. My oh my, what would we have done without this man and his store that opened up the wonderful world of color television to many of us. Color television was out of the question in the Cedar household until, well, my parents did not buy a color television until my brother and I were had graduated and were attending college. On New Years; Day this Wallace man of commerce opened up his store for anyone who wanted to watch the Rose Bowl game in "living" color. He would set up circles of folding chairs, and all were welcome to watch this classic.

4. He was prim, and he was proper, and his store mirrored his image. His store was a Wallace landmark for many, many years, and was the only store where you could purchase books, office supplies, candy, greeting cards, stereos and more. On Friday afternoons, my brother and I would race down to his store and buy the latest Hardy Boy book. (Yes, we at one time had the whole collection.) He could be a little intimidating, but he actually was a nice man.

5. The last one for today was tall, skinny, and always wore a white shirt. His store was a genuine department store complete with a lunch counter, jewelry store, men's department, women's department, maternity shop, luggage, and many, many other items. At one time there was even a toy section in the basement. I bet not many of you remember that.

Wallace was a kaleidoscope of colorful personalities in the world of commerce as well in, well, as in all avenues of life. Let's face it. Wallace was unique, and I am proud to have grown up there.

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