This, my friends, will be one of the most exciting Super Bowls in the history of the game. Just be sure and have stacks of chips, pop, Twinkies, cake, pie, hot dogs, and anything else that you can find that satisfies the munchies.
Never before have we had two teams slugging it out for the crown jewel of professional football from the two states that have legalized pot stores. Think about it. We have the Denver Broncos from the Mile High City, an appropriate name for sure, and the high flying Seahawks from the caffeine crazed land of the Emerald City. Of course, no one has ever really figured out yet just what species of bird the Seahawk is, but never mind that for now. The Seahawks are flying high. Literally.
In most of the great American cities that have had teams that were going to the Super Bowel, the little quick stops, grocery stores, pizza parlors, bars, restaurants, and hotel suites, are busy as can be on Super Bowel Sunday, IN Denver and Seattle, the Pot Shops won't be selling Pepsi, nope, they will be bustling with weed sales. Who would have ever thunk it in America?
Yes, this Super Bowel will be special, and because of the unique aspect of having two great teams from weed cities, the commissioner has sold the naming rights like they do in college bowl games, and the winner, of course, had to be Nalleys, and the " Super Munchie Bowl". Go Hawks!!
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