HOUSTON -- Investigators say a woman caused her husband's death by giving him a sherry enema, leading to alcohol poisoning.
enema caused his blood alcohol level to soar to 0.47 percent -- almost
six times the legal intoxication limit in Texas, a toxicology
report showed.
Tammy Jean Warner, 42, was indicted on a charge of
negligent homicide. She is also charged with burning the will of her
husband, Michael Warner, a month before his death on May 21.
Warner, a 58-year-old machine shop owner, had a long history of
alcoholism but couldn't ingest alcohol by mouth because of painful
medical problems with his throat, said Lake Jackson, Texas, police
detective Robert Turner. The enema was a way he could become intoxicated without drinking alcohol, Turner said.
Cedar: Sounds reasonable.
Hm, don't get any ideas, GF, Stick to the bottle or can(:)
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