Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Final 2019 Thoughts

It looks like I am a bit behind in my posting. The big 3 holidays are in the books for 2019, and 2020 rolls along. 2019 was not a kind year. I lost my brother in March and then right before Christmas we lost our beautiful fur baby, Minnie. Our hearts were heavy as we began the new year.

The balmy weather of November and December, a pleasant and unexpected reprieve, turned to a not so pleasant winter storm, and that is where we are still encased in on the 14th of January. We are surrounded by the white stuff.

I promise that I will do better and blog more this year. I love to write, I am just lazy.

Happy New Year everyone, two weeks late.

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Is anyone else sick and tired of prima donna athletes? KD,this is boring. You signed the contract, now, do the job and win a championship fo...