Saturday, February 17, 2018

It's Us Stupid

It is not the guns, it is the change in our culture that is the trigger.When I was in grade school I once brought my .22 rifle to class for show and tell time.I didn't hunt , and my dad did not hunt, but he owned a pistol and my brother and I shared the rifle.Heck, I imagine 90 plus percent of Wallace folks owned some type of gun.

To my knowledge no one ever shot a fellow student,teacher, coach, or police officer. It probably never entered anyone's mind. Why not, you may ask ? The culture was different then.We were taught to respect each other, to love,yes love, our flag and country and most importantly of all, God was still welcome in our schools.

Too simple and sappy of an explanation for the violence for you? Well,then you explain it to me WITHOUT shouting out the old and worn out gun control argument. Follow the trail.It is that our culture has changed and so have we,

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