Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Decline Of The Moral Empire

This story should not even be in the news. It is obvious that certain people with an anti-God agenda are once again trying to stir the pot. This is a private Catholic school, and the teachers who work there sigh contracts that stipulate that certain things that the Catholic Church sees as sins are to be abstained from. When they are not, the contract is broken, and the school has the right to dismiss the teacher. End of story.


An unmarried teacher at a Roman Catholic middle school in Montana has been fired after getting pregnant, the Diocese of Helena confirmed.
Patrick Haggarty, the superintendent of Catholic schools for the diocese, said Tuesday that Butte Central teacher Shaela Evenson "made a willful decision to violate the terms of her contract," which requires her to respect the moral and religious teachings of the Catholic Church in both her professional and personal life.
"The Catholic moral teaching is that the sacrament of marriage is a holy union between a man and a woman," Haggarty said. "And we certainly believe and we teach our children who attend our schools about the sacrament of marriage. That's as old as our church. Not only do we teach that to the children kindergarten through 12th grade, but we're held to that standard as well."

Is  there any sanity left out there?

Ps. I am not Catholic, but I firmly believe that moral contracts are not news, and are not open for public discussion when the school is private. It is a matter strictly between the employees, the school, The church, and God

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